SQL Wildcards

A wildcard character in SQL is used with the LIKE clause to replace a single character or a set of characters in a string.

% and _ are two commonly used wildcard characters in SQL.


-- select customers who live in countries
-- that start with 'US' followed by a single character
FROM Customers
WHERE country LIKE 'US_'

Here, _ is a wildcard character that represents exactly one character after a string.

So, the SQL query selects customers whose country starts with US and ends with a single character after it.

SQL Wildcard Syntax

The syntax of SQL Wildcards is:

SELECT column1, column 2, ... 
FROM table
WHERE column LIKE 'Wildcard String';


  • column1, column2, ... are the columns to select the data from
  • table is the name of the table
  • column is the column we want to apply the filter to
  • LIKE matches the column with Wildcard String
  • Wildcard String is a combination of strings and wildcard characters

For example,

-- select rows where the last name
-- of customers start with R 
FROM Customers
WHERE last_name LIKE 'R%';

Here, % (zero or more characters) is a wildcard. So, the SQL command selects customers whose last_name starts with R followed by zero or more characters after it.

What are wildcards in SQL
Example: SQL Wildcards

Recommended Reading: SQL LIKE Operator

% Wildcard in SQL

The % wildcard in SQL is used to represent zero or more characters. For example,

-- select rows where the first names
-- of customers start with J 
FROM Customers
WHERE first_name LIKE 'J%';

Here, the SQL command selects customers whose last name starts with J followed by zero or more characters.

Expression String Matched?
J% J





no match

no match

_ Wildcard in SQL

The _ wildcard in SQL is used to represent exactly one character in a string. For example,

-- select customers whose countries start with U
-- followed by a single character
FROM Customers
WHERE country LIKE 'U_';

Here, the SQL command selects customers whose country name starts with U and is followed by only one character.

Expression String Matched?
U_ U


no match


no match

[] Wildcard in SQL

The [] wildcard in SQL is used to represent any one character inside brackets. For example,

-- select customers with country that starts with UK or UA
-- and is followed by any number of characters

FROM Customers
WHERE country LIKE 'U[KA]%';

Here, the SQL command selects customers whose country name starts with U and is followed by either K or A and any number of characters afterward.

Expression String Matched?
U[KA]% U



no match



no match

! Wildcard in SQL

The ! wildcard in SQL is used to exclude characters from a string. For example,

--select rows where customer's last names don't start with D or R
FROM Customers
WHERE last_name LIKE '[!DR]%';

Here, the SQL command selects customers whose last_name does not start with D or R.

Expression String Matched?
[!DR]% Doe





no match

no match


no match


no match

Wildcard Characters in Different Databases

SQL Server
  • % - zero or more characters
  • _ - single character
  • [] - single character within the brackets
  • ^ - any character not within the brackets
  • - - single character within a range
PostgreSQL and MySQL
  • % - zero or more characters
  • _ - single character
  • % - zero or more characters
  • _ - single character
  • [] - single character within the brackets
  • {} - escaped character
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