Rust Generics

Generics allows us to write code that is flexible and can be reused with different types of data, without having to write separate implementations for each type. It helps us write code that can handle values of any type in a type-safe and efficient way.

With the help of generics, we can define placeholder types for our methods, functions, structs, enums and traits.

Using Generics in Rust

We can understand generics by taking a look at Rust Hashmap.

HashMap uses generics which allows creation of reusable and efficient code, as a single implementation that works with different types.

A Rust HashMap has two generic types, one for the key and the second for the value.

A HashMap type looks like this:

HashMap<K, V>

where <K, V>: K is the type of the key and V is the type of the value.

Now, when we create a HashMap we can set any type to K and V.

let mut numbers: HashMap<i32, &str> = HashMap::new();

Here, the angle bracket <i32, &str> notation denotes the type of key and type of value of the HashMap. The type of the key K is i32 and the type of the value V is &str.

Similarly, we create a HashMap and set the type of both key and value to &str.

let mut language_codes: HashMap<&str, &str> = HashMap::new();

Using generics to define the type of HashMap helps us work with numerous arbitrary types available in Rust.

To know the basics of HashMap, visit Rust HashMap.


  • Generics or generic types use a single character like K, V, T, U to distinguish from actual concrete types like String, &str, i32.
  • As a convention,
    • T, U are used for arbitrary types
    • K, V are used for key-value types
    • E is used for error type

Example: Using Generics in Rust

use std::collections::HashMap;

fn main() {
    // Create a HashMap with types i32 and &str
    let mut numbers: HashMap<i32, &str> = HashMap::new();

    // Insert values to numbers HashMap
    numbers.insert(1, "One");
    numbers.insert(2, "Two");

    println!("Numbers: {:?}", numbers);
    // Create a HashMap with types &str and &str   
    let mut language_codes: HashMap<&str, &str> = HashMap::new();

    // Insert values to language_codes HashMap
    language_codes.insert("EN", "English");
    language_codes.insert("NE", "Nepali");
    println!("Language Codes: {:?}", language_codes);


Numbers: {1: "One", 2: "Two"}
Language Codes: {"EN": "English", "NE": "Nepali"}

Here, we create two HashMap data structures: HashMap<i32, &str> and HashMap<&str, &str>.

This is possible because HashMap implementation uses generics and can work with different types.

Generic Struct in Rust

We can create a generic struct data structure in Rust with the help of generics. For example, we can declare a struct with generic parameter(s).

struct Point<T> {
    x: T,
    y: T,

Here, we create a struct Point with generic type parameter T in angle brackets. Inside the body of the struct, we use the T data type for x and y.

Now, to use the generic struct Point we can initialize it and bind it to a variable.

let int_point = Point { x: 1, y: 2 };
let float_point = Point { x: 1.1, y: 2.2 };

Here, we initialize the Point struct twice, first with integer values and second with float values.

Example: Generic Struct in Rust

fn main() {
    // defining a struct with generic data type
    struct Point<T> {
        x: T,
        y: T,
    // initializing a generic struct with i32 data type
    let int_point = Point { x: 1, y: 2 };
    // initializing a generic struct with f32 data type
    let float_point = Point { x: 1.1, y: 2.2 };
    println!("int_point: {:?}", int_point);
    println!("float_point: {:?}", float_point);


int_point: Point { x: 1, y: 2 }
float_point: Point { x: 1.1, y: 2.2 }

Generic Function in Rust

We can also create functions with generic types as parameter(s).

Here is the syntax of a generic function.

// generic function with single generic type
fn my_function<T>(x: T, y: T) -> T {
    // function body
    // do something with `x` and `y`

// generic function with multiple generic types
fn my_function<T, U>(x: T, y: U) {
    // function body
    // do something with `x` and `y`

Here, <T> in the function definition signifies a generic function over type T. Similarly, <T, U> signifies a generic function over type T and U.

Example: Generic Function in Rust

fn main() {
    // generic function to find minimum between two inputs
    fn min<T: PartialOrd>(a: T, b: T) -> T {
        if a < b {
            return a;
        } else {
            return b;

    // call generic function with integer type as parameters    
    let result1 = min(2, 7);

    // call generic function with float type as parameters
    let result2 = min(2.1, 1.1);
    println!("Result1 = {}", result1);
    println!("Result2 = {}", result2);


Result1 = 2
Result2 = 1.1

In this example, we create a function min() with generic type arguments a: T and b: T. The type parameter T is declared with the syntax <T: PartialOrd>, which means that T can be any type that implements the PartialOrd trait.

The PartialOrd trait provides methods for comparing values of a type, such as < and >. This feature of Rust is called Trait bounds. If we don't use <T: PartialOrder>, Rust will throw a compile error: error[E0369]: binary operation `<` cannot be applied to type `T`

Thus, we should restrict the parameter T to PartialOrd from the std::cmp module.

To learn more about traits, visit Rust Trait.

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