Rust Functions

Functions are reusable blocks of code that perform a specific task. For example, if we want to create a program to add two numbers, then we can create a Rust function to add numbers. Now, we can reuse this same function whenever we add two numbers.

Creating a function in Rust helps divide our code into smaller blocks and makes our code look cleaner and easier to understand.

Not only in Rust, but functions are also one of the core building blocks of any programming language.

Define a Function in Rust

In Rust, we use the fn keyword to define a function. The syntax of a function is,

fn function_name(arguments) {
    // code

Let's see an example.

fn greet() {
    // code


  • fn - keyword used to create a function in Rust
  • greet() - name of the function
  • // code - function body
  • { } - start and end of the function body

Now let's complete the greet() function to print "Hello, World!".

// define a function
fn greet() {
    println!("Hello, World!");

fn main() {


When we run this code, we will not get any output. This is because here we are just defining a function. To execute a function, we need to call it.

Calling a Function in Rust

We use the name of the function and parentheses () to call a function.

// call a function

Let's complete the above example now.

// define a function
fn greet() {
    println!("Hello, World!");

fn main() {
    // function call


Hello, World!

Here, we have created a greet() function that prints "Hello, World!" on the screen. Notice that we are calling the function from inside main().

main() Function in Rust

If you look carefully, you can see the syntax of main() looks similar to a function.

fn main() {
    // function call

In Rust, main() is also a function known as a built-in function that has a special meaning. It is the entry point (start) of every Rust program.

Note: Rust code uses a small case as the convention for defining a function name. An extended function name with multiple words will have underscores in between words.

Example: Function to Add Two Numbers in Rust

// function to add two numbers
fn add() {
    let a = 5;
    let b = 10;

    let sum = a + b;

    println!("Sum of a and b = {}", sum);

fn main() {
    // function call


Sum of a and b = 15

In the above example, we have created a function named add(). The function adds two numbers and prints the sum.

Here's how the program works,

Working of function in Rust
Working of function in Rust

Function Parameters in Rust

From the definition, we know that a function should be reusable. However, the add() function in our previous example can only be used to perform the addition of 5 and 10.

// function to add two numbers
fn add() {
    let a = 5;
    let b = 10;

    let sum = a + b;

    println!("Sum of a and b = {}", sum);

This function is not dynamic to be reused.

To deal with this and make our functions more dynamic, we can create functions that accept external values. These external values are called function parameters.

Here's how we can create a function with parameters.

// function with parameters
fn add(a: i32, b: i32) {
    let sum = a + b;

    println!("Sum of a and b = {}", sum);


  • a and b are function parameters
  • i32 is the data type of parameters

To call this function, we should provide some value during the function call.

add(2, 11);

Here, 2 and 11 are known as function arguments that are passed to the add function.

Example: Function Parameters

// define an add function that takes in two parameters fn add(a: i32, b: i32) {
let sum = a + b; println!("Sum of a and b = {}", sum); } fn main() {
// call add function with arguments add(2, 11);


Sum of a and b = 13

Here's how the program works,

Working of function with parameters in Rust
Working of function with parameters in Rust

The arguments are assigned to the function parameters when we call the function.

  • 2 is assigned to a
  • 11 is assigned to b

As a result, we see the sum of 2 and 11 equal to 13 printed on the screen.

Function with Return Value in Rust

In the last example, we computed the sum of two numbers and printed the result inside the function. However, we can also return the result from the function and use it anywhere in our program.

Here's how we can create a function in Rust that returns a value.

// define an add function that takes in two parameters with a return type
fn add(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
    let sum = a + b;

    // return a value from the function
    return sum;

Here, -> i32 before the opening curly bracket { indicates the function's return type. In this case, the function will return an i32 value.

We have then used the return keyword to return the sum variable from the function.

The function returns the value to the place from where it is called, so the returned value needs to be stored somewhere.

// store the returned value in a variable
let sum = add(3, 5);

Example: Function with Return Value

// define an add function that takes in two parameters with a return type
fn add(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
let sum = a + b;
// return a value from the function return sum;
} fn main() { // function call
let sum = add(3, 5);
println!("Sum of a and b = {}", sum); }


Sum of a and b = 8

Here's how the program works,

Working of function with return value in Rust
Working of function with return value in Rust

In the above example, when we reach the return statement in the add function, it returns the sum variable. The returned value is stored in the sum variable inside main().

Frequently Asked Questions

How can we return a value from a function with a Rust expression?

A function that ends with an expression will return the value of the expression. It means that we don't have to use the return keyword to return a value from a function. For example,

fn add(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
    a + b

fn main() {
    let sum = add(1, 2);

    println!("Sum = {}", sum);


Sum = 3

Note: Notice a + b doesn't end with a semicolon in the function body. Expressions do not include ending semicolons, but statements do.

How can we return multiple values from a function in Rust?

We can return multiple values from a function using tuples. For example,

fn addsub(a: i32, b: i32) -> (i32, i32) {
    return (a + b, a - b);

fn main() {
    let (sum, diff) = addsub(4, 1);
    println!("Sum = {}, Difference = {}", sum, diff);


Sum = 5, Difference = 3

Here, the function's return type is a tuple (i32, i32).

How to pass by reference in Rust?

We can use pass by reference to pass a pointer of the variable instead of the actual variable. For example,

  fn main() {
    let word = String::from("hello");

    // passing reference of word variable
    let len = calculate_length(&word);

    println!("The length of '{}' is {}.", word, len);

fn calculate_length(s: &String) -> usize {
    return s.len();


The length of 'hello' is 5.

Here, we pass the word variable as a reference to the function calculate_length() with &word.

What are the advantages of functions in Rust?

Functions are building blocks of Rust programming language and come with many advantages. Some of them are:

  • Functions divide our code into smaller, reusable blocks.
  • Functions help make our programs easier to read and easier to debug.
  • Functions make our program modular, easier to change and help in reducing code duplication.

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