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Pandas Dataframe Methods
Pandas DataFrames are the cornerstone of data manipulation, offering an extensive suite of methods for effective data analysis. It deals with methods like merge() to merge datasets, groupby() to group data for analysis and pivot() to pivot tables for better insights.
NumPy clip()
limits the values in an array to a specified range
NumPy round()
returns rounded elements
NumPy sum()
calculate the sum of array elements
NumPy power()
raise the elements of an array to specified power
NumPy cumsum()
calculate the cumulative sum of array elements
NumPy multiply()
perform element-wise multiplication of two arrays
NumPy sqrt()
computes square root of each element in an array
NumPy floor()
round down elements to nearest smallest integer
NumPy absolute()
computes the absolute value
NumPy diff()
calculate the difference of consecutive elements
NumPy divide()
perform element-wise division of the elements
NumPy sin()
computes the element-wise sine of array
NumPy square()
computes squares of an array's elements
NumPy add()
perform element-wise addition
NumPy minimum()
finds minimum value between corresponding elements
NumPy maximum()
finds maximum value between corresponding elements
NumPy arctan2()
computes the element-wise arc tangent
NumPy cross()
computes the cross product of two vectors
NumPy sign()
determines the sign of each element in an array
NumPy log10()
calculates base-10 logarithm of array elements
NumPy arctan()
computes arctangent (inverse tangent) of an array
NumPy amax()
compute the maximum value in an array
NumPy arccos()
computes arccosine (inverse cosine) of an array
NumPy cos()
computes the element-wise cosine of an array
NumPy subtract()
performs element-wise subtraction of two arrays
NumPy ceil()
rounds up each element in an array
NumPy amin()
compute the minimum value
NumPy trapz()
compute definite integral using trapezoidal rule
NumPy arcsin()
computes the arcsine (inverse sine) of array
NumPy around()
rounds the elements of an array
NumPy tan()
compute the element-wise tangent
NumPy prod()
calculate the product of array elements
NumPy tanh()
calculate the hyperbolic tangent
Python NumPy hypot()
calculates the hypotennumber
NumPy log()
calculate the natural logarithm of the elements
NumPy exp()
calculate the exponential values of the elements