Javascript Array forEach()

The forEach() method executes a provided function for each array element.


let numbers = [1, 3, 4, 9, 8];

// function to compute square of each number
function computeSquare(element) {
  console.log(element * element);

// compute square root of each element numbers.forEach(computeSquare);
/* Output: 1 9 16 81 64 */

forEach() Syntax

The syntax of the forEach() method is:

arr.forEach(callback(currentValue), thisArg)

Here, arr is an array.

forEach() Parameters

The forEach() method takes in:

  • callback - The callback function to execute on every array element. It takes in:
    • currentValue - The current element being passed from the array.
  • thisArg (optional) - Value to use as this when executing callback. By default, it is undefined.

forEach() Return Value

  • Returns undefined.


  • forEach() does not change the original array.
  • forEach() executes callback once for each array element in order.
  • forEach() does not execute callback for array elements without values.

Example 1: Printing Contents of Array

function printElements(element, index) {
    console.log('Array Element ' + index + ': ' + element);

const prices = [1800, 2000, 3000, , 5000, 500, 8000];

// forEach does not execute for elements without values
// in this case, it skips the third element as it is empty


Array Element 0: 1800
Array Element 1: 2000
Array Element 2: 3000
Array Element 4: 5000
Array Element 5: 500
Array Element 6: 8000

Example 2: Using thisArg

function Counter() {
    this.count = 0;
    this.sum = 0;
    this.product = 1;

Counter.prototype.execute = function (array) {
array.forEach((entry) => { this.sum += entry; ++this.count; this.product *= entry; }, this)
} const obj = new Counter(); obj.execute([4, 1, , 45, 8]); console.log(obj.count); // 4 console.log(obj.sum); // 58 console.log(obj.product); // 1440



Here, we can again see that forEach skips the empty element. thisArg is passed as this inside the definition of the execute method of the Counter object.

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