Java ArrayList add()
inserts the element to the arraylist
Java ArrayList addAll()
adds all elements of a collection to arraylist
Java ArrayList clear()
removes all the elements from arraylist
Java ArrayList clone()
makes a copy of the array list
Java ArrayList contains()
checks if the element is present in the arraylist
Java ArrayList get()
returns the element present in the specified index
Java ArrayList indexOf()
returns the position of the specified element
Java ArrayList removeAll()
removes multiple elements from the arraylist
Java ArrayList remove()
removes the single element from the arraylist
Java ArrayList size()
returns the length of an arraylist
Java ArrayList isEmpty()
checks if the arraylist is empty
Java ArrayList subList()
returns a portion of the arraylist
Java ArrayList set()
replace the single element from an arraylist
Java ArrayList sort()
sorts the arraylist according to specified order
Java ArrayList toArray()
converts an arraylist to an array
Java ArrayList toString()
converts the arraylist into a String
Java ArrayList ensureCapacity()
set the size of an araylist
Java ArrayList lastIndexOf()
returns position of last occurrence of the element
Java ArrayList retainAll()
retains only the common elements
Java ArrayList containsAll()
checks if a collection is a subset of arraylist
Java ArrayList trimToSize()
trims the capacity of arraylist equal to the size
Java ArrayList removeRange()
removes a portion of the arraylist
Java ArrayList replaceAll()
replace all elements from the arraylist
Java ArrayList removeIf()
removes element that satisfy the condition
Java ArrayList forEach()
performs an action to all elements of arraylist
Java ArrayList iterator()
returns an iterate to loop through the ArrayList