Go Operators

In Computer Programming, an operator is a symbol that performs operations on a value or a variable.

For example, + is an operator that is used to add two numbers.

Go programming provides wide range of operators that are categorized into following major categories:

  • Arithmetic operators
  • Assignment operator
  • Relational operators
  • Logical operators

Arithmetic Operator

We use arithmetic operators to perform arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Here's a list of various arithmetic operators available in Go.

Operators Example
+ (Addition) a + b
- (Subtraction) a - b
* (Multiplication) a * b
/ (Division) a / b
% (Modulo Division) a % b

Example 1: Addition, Subtraction and Multiplication Operators

package main
import "fmt"

func main() {

  num1 := 6
  num2 := 2

// + adds two variables sum := num1 + num2
fmt.Printf("%d + %d = %d\n", num1, num2, sum)
// - subtract two variables difference := num1 - num2
fmt.Printf("%d - %d = %d\n",num1, num2, difference)
// * multiply two variables product := num1 * num2
fmt.Printf("%d * %d is %d\n",num1, num2, product) }


6 + 2 = 8
6 - 2 = 4
6 * 2 = 12

Example 2: Golang Division Operator

package main
import "fmt"

func main() {

  num1 := 11
  num2 := 4

// / divide two integer variables quotient := num1 / num2
fmt.Printf(" %d / %d = %d\n", num1, num2, quotient) }


11 / 4 = 2

In the above example, we have used the / operator to divide two numbers: 11 and 4. Here, we get the output 2.

However, in normal calculation, 11 / 4 gives 2.75. This is because when we use the / operator with integer values, we get the quotients instead of the actual result.

The division operator with integer values returns the quotient.
Division with integer

If we want the actual result we should always use the / operator with floating point numbers. For example,

package main
import "fmt"

func main() {

  num1 := 11.0
  num2 := 4.0

// / divide two floating point variables result := num1 / num2
fmt.Printf(" %g / %g = %g\n", num1, num2, result) }


11 / 4 = 2.75  

Here, we get the actual result after division.

Example 3: Modulus Operator in Go

package main
import "fmt"

func main() {

  num1 := 11
  num2 := 4

// % modulo-divides two variables remainder := num1 % num2
fmt.Println(remainder ) }

In the above example, we have used the modulo operator with numbers: 11 and 4. Here, we get the result 3.

This is because in programming, the modulo operator always returns the remainder after division.

The modulo operator in golang returns the remainder after division.
Modulo Division in Go

Note: The modulo operator is always used with integer values.

Increment and Decrement Operator in Go

In Golang, we use ++ (increment) and -- (decrement) operators to increase and decrease the value of a variable by 1 respectively. For example,

package main
import "fmt"

func main() {

  num := 5

  // increment of num by 1
  fmt.Println(num)  // 6

  // decrement of num by 1
  fmt.Println(num)  // 4


In the above example,

  • num++ - increases the value of num by 1, from 5 to 6
  • num-- - decreases the value of num by 1, from 5 to 4

Note: We have used ++ and -- as prefixes (before variable). However, we can also use them as postfixes (num++ and num--).

There is a slight difference between using increment and decrement operators as prefixes and postfixes. To learn the difference, visit Increment and Decrement Operator as Prefix and Postfix.

Go Assignment Operators

We use the assignment operator to assign values to a variable. For example,

var number = 34

Here, the = operator assigns the value on right (34) to the variable on left (number).

Example: Assignment Operator in Go

package main
import "fmt"

func main() {

  num := 6
  var result int

// = operator to assign the value of num to result result = num
fmt.Println(result) // 6 }

In the above example, we have used the assignment operator to assign the value of the num variable to the result variable.

Compound Assignment Operators

In Go, we can also use an assignment operator together with an arithmetic operator. For example,

number := 2
number += 6

Here, += is additional assignment operator. It first adds 6 to the value of number (2) and assigns the final result (8) to number.

Here's a list of various compound assignment operators available in Golang.

Operator Example Same as
+= (addition assignment) a += b a = a + b
-= (subtraction assignment) a -= b a = a - b
*= (multiplication assignment) a *= b a = a * b
/= (division assignment) a /= b a = a / b
%= (modulo assignment) a %= b a = a % b

Relational Operators in Golang

We use the relational operators to compare two values or variables. For example,

5 == 6

Here, == is a relational operator that checks if 5 is equal to 6.

A relational operator returns

  • true if the comparison between two values is correct
  • false if the comparison is wrong

Here's a list of various relational operators available in Go:

Operator Example Descriptions
== (equal to) a == b returns true if a and b are equal
!= (not equal to) a != b returns true if a and b are not equal
> (greater than) a > b returns true if a is greater than b
< (less than) a < b returns true if a is less than b
>= (greater than or equal to) a >= b returns true if a is either greater than or equal to b
<= (less than or equal to) a <= b returns true is a is either less than or equal to b

To learn more, visit Go relational operators.

Logical Operators in Go

We use the logical operators to perform logical operations. A logical operator returns either true or false depending upon the conditions.

Operator Description Example
&& (Logical AND) exp1 && exp2 returns true if both expressions exp1 and exp2 are true
|| (Logical OR) exp1 || exp2 returns true if any one of the expressions is true.
! (Logical NOT) !exp returns true if exp is false and returns false if exp is true.

To learn more, visit Go logical operators.

More on Go Operators

Go Binary Right Shift Operator >>

The right shift operator shifts all bits towards the right by a certain number of specified bits.

Suppose we want to right shift a number 212 by some bits then,

212 = 11010100 (In binary)
212 >> 3 = 00011010 = 26 (Right shift by 3 bits)
212 >> 7 = 00000001 = 1 (Right shift by 7 bits)
212 >> 0 = 11010100 = 212 (No Shift)

For example,

package main
import "fmt"

func main() {
  num := 212
  for i := 0; i <= 3; i++ {

    // right shift 212 by bits from 0 to 3
    fmt.Printf("Right Shift by %d: %d\n", i, num>>i)



Right Shift by 0: 212
Right Shift by 1: 106
Right Shift by 2: 53
Right Shift by 3: 26
Go Binary Left Shift Operator <<

The left shift operator shifts all bits towards the left by a certain number of specified bits. The bit positions that have been vacated by the left shift operator are filled with 0.

Suppose we want to left shift a number 212 by some bits then,

212 = 11010100 (In binary)
212 << 1 = 110101000 = 424 (Adds one 0 to the right)
212 << 3 = 11010100000 = 1696 (Adds three 0's to the right)
212 << 0 = 11010100 = 212 (No Shift)

For example,

package main
import "fmt"

func main() {
  num := 212
  for i := 0; i <= 3; i++ {

    // left shift 212 by bits from 0 to 3
    fmt.Printf("Left Shift by %d: %d\n", i, num<<i)



Left Shift by 0: 212
Left Shift by 1: 424
Left Shift by 2: 848
Left Shift by 3: 1696
What is the use of the & operator in Go?

In Go, & is the address operator that is used for pointers. It holds the memory address of a variable. For example,

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {

  num := 20

// &num prints the // memory address where 20 is stored fmt.Println(&num)
} // Output: 0xc0000b8000

Here, we have used the * operator to declare the pointer variable. To learn more, visit Go Pointers.

What is the use of the * operator in Go?

In Go, * is the dereferencing operator used to declare a pointer variable. A pointer variable stores the memory address. For example,

package main
import "fmt"

func main() {
  b := 20

// pointer declaration var num *int = &b
// gives the memory address fmt.Println(num) } // Output: 0xc00010a000

Here, we have used the * operator to declare the pointer variable. To learn more, visit Go Pointers.

If we use multiple operators together in a single statement, which operator is executed first?

In Go, we use the concept called operator precedence which determines which operator is executed first if multiple operators are used together. For example,

result := 32 / 8 + 2 * 9 -4

Here, the / operator is executed first followed by the * operator. The + and - operators are respectively executed at last.

This is because operators with the higher precedence are executed first and operators with lower precedence are executed last.

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