from enum import Enum from random import shuffle, randint from copy import deepcopy STARTING_HAND_SIZE = 5 TRIALS = 10000 class Card(Enum): PIKACHU_EX = 1 BASIC = 2 POKEBALL = 3 PROFESSORS_RESEARCH = 4 X_SPEED = 5 OTHER = 6 class Simulation: hand = [] # Track whether pikachu was started, or swapped in later with X speed is_pikachu_active = False # Track whether pikachu was swapped in with X speed x_speed_used = False # Track whether pikachu is available pikachu_available_at_one_energy = False def __init__(self, basicCount, isFirstPlayer): self.startingDeck = [Card.PIKACHU_EX, Card.POKEBALL, Card.PROFESSORS_RESEARCH, Card.X_SPEED] * 2 + \ [Card.BASIC] * basicCount + \ [Card.OTHER] * (12 - basicCount) self.deck = deepcopy(self.startingDeck) self.isFirstPlayer = isFirstPlayer shuffle(self.deck) # Add the top card to your hand and remove it from your deck def drawCard(self, times=1): for card in range(times): self.hand.append(self.deck.pop()) # Attempt to draw a starting hand until a hand is drawn that contains a basic def drawStartingHand(self): while not (Card.PIKACHU_EX in self.hand or Card.BASIC in self.hand): self.hand = [] self.deck = deepcopy(self.startingDeck) shuffle(self.deck) self.drawCard(5) # Pot of Greed allows me to draw two new cards from my deck! def playProfessorsResearchIfAble(self): if Card.PROFESSORS_RESEARCH in self.hand: self.hand.remove(Card.PROFESSORS_RESEARCH) self.drawCard(2) # If XSpeed is in hand and pikachu isn't active, swap pikachu to active. def playXSpeed(self): if not self.is_pikachu_active and Card.X_SPEED in self.hand: self.is_pikachu_active = True self.x_speed_used = True # Play all pokeballs in hand, each fetches a random basic from your deck. def playPokeballs(self): while Card.POKEBALL in self.hand: self.hand.remove(Card.POKEBALL) pikachu_count = self.deck.count(Card.PIKACHU_EX) other_basic_count = self.deck.count(Card.BASIC) total_basic_count = pikachu_count + other_basic_count if total_basic_count > 0: randomChoice = randint(1,total_basic_count) if randomChoice <= pikachu_count: self.hand.append(self.deck.pop(self.deck.index(Card.PIKACHU_EX))) else: self.hand.append(self.deck.pop(self.deck.index(Card.BASIC))) shuffle(self.deck) def hasFullBenchWithPikachu(self): countPikachuInHand = self.hand.count(Card.PIKACHU_EX) countBasicsInHand = self.hand.count(Card.BASIC) + countPikachuInHand return countPikachuInHand >= 1 and countBasicsInHand >= 4 def hasAtLeastTwoBenchWithPikachu(self): countPikachuInHand = self.hand.count(Card.PIKACHU_EX) countBasicsInHand = self.hand.count(Card.BASIC) + countPikachuInHand return countPikachuInHand >= 1 and countBasicsInHand >= 3 def doTurn(self, isFirstEnergyTurn = False): self.drawCard() # If we have enough basics, we want to deck thin before research if (self.hasFullBenchWithPikachu()): self.playPokeballs() self.playProfessorsResearchIfAble() if isFirstEnergyTurn: if not self.hasPikachu(): # play all pokeballs in a last attempt to get a pikachu to play for first energy self.playPokeballs() if self.hasPikachu(): self.pikachu_available_at_one_energy = True def runSimulation(self): #turn 0 self.drawStartingHand() self.is_pikachu_active = Card.PIKACHU_EX in self.hand #turn 1 self.doTurn(isFirstEnergyTurn = not self.isFirstPlayer) #turn 2 self.doTurn(isFirstEnergyTurn = self.isFirstPlayer) if self.isFirstPlayer: self.doTurn() # We play our pokeballs at the last possible moment to maximize our odds of drawing basics from other draw sources self.playPokeballs() self.playXSpeed() def hasPikachu(self): return Card.PIKACHU_EX in self.hand print("| extra basics| pika90 | pika60 | pika | x speed |") print("| ------ | ------ | ----- | ---- | ----- |") for isFirstPlayer in [True, False]: if isFirstPlayer: print("First Player") else: print("Second Player") for basicCount in range(0, 11): successCount = 0 x_speed_used = 0 pika60 = 0 hasPika = 0 for trial in range(TRIALS): simulation = Simulation(basicCount, isFirstPlayer) simulation.runSimulation() successCount += simulation.hasFullBenchWithPikachu() and simulation.is_pikachu_active and simulation.pikachu_available_at_one_energy x_speed_used += simulation.x_speed_used pika60 += simulation.hasAtLeastTwoBenchWithPikachu() and simulation.is_pikachu_active and simulation.pikachu_available_at_one_energy hasPika += simulation.hasPikachu() print(" | ", basicCount, " | ", round(successCount/TRIALS,2), " | ", round(pika60/TRIALS,2), " | ", round(hasPika/TRIALS,2), " | ", round(x_speed_used/TRIALS,2), " | ")