def length_converter():
print("\nLength Converter")
units = {"1": "meters", "2": "kilometers", "3": "miles", "4": "centimeters"}
for key, value in units.items():
print(f"{key}. {value.capitalize()}")
from_unit = input("Convert from (1-4): ")
to_unit = input("Convert to (1-4): ")
if from_unit in units and to_unit in units:
value = float(input(f"Enter value in {units[from_unit]}: "))
conversion_factors = {
"1": {"2": 0.001, "3": 0.000621371, "4": 100},
"2": {"1": 1000, "3": 0.621371, "4": 100000},
"3": {"1": 1609.34, "2": 1.60934, "4": 160934},
"4": {"1": 0.01, "2": 0.00001, "3": 0.0000062137}
converted_value = value * conversion_factors[from_unit].get(to_unit, 1)
print(f"{value} {units[from_unit]} = {converted_value} {units[to_unit]}")
print("Invalid choice!")
def temperature_converter():
print("\nTemperature Converter")
print("1. Celsius\n2. Fahrenheit\n3. Kelvin")
from_unit = input("Convert from (1-3): ")
to_unit = input("Convert to (1-3): ")
if from_unit in ["1", "2", "3"] and to_unit in ["1", "2", "3"]:
value = float(input("Enter temperature: "))
conversions = {
("1", "2"): lambda x: (x * 9/5) + 32,
("1", "3"): lambda x: x + 273.15,
("2", "1"): lambda x: (x - 32) * 5/9,
("2", "3"): lambda x: (x - 32) * 5/9 + 273.15,
("3", "1"): lambda x: x - 273.15,
("3", "2"): lambda x: (x - 273.15) * 9/5 + 32
converted_value = conversions.get((from_unit, to_unit), lambda x: x)(value)
print(f"Converted Value: {converted_value:.2f}")
print("Invalid choice!")
while True:
print("\nUnit Converter")
print("1. Length Converter")
print("2. Temperature Converter")
print("3. Exit")
choice = input("Choose an option (1-3): ")
if choice == "1":
elif choice == "2":
elif choice == "3":
print("Invalid choice, try again.")