# Bitwise multiplication using Russian Peasant Multiplication. def bitwise_multiply(a, b): result = 0 while b: if b & 1: result += a a <<= 1 b >>= 1 return result # Bitwise matrix-vector multiplication. def bitwise_matrix_vector_mult(A, x): n = len(A) result = [0] * n for i in range(n): for j in range(len(x)): result[i] += bitwise_multiply(A[i][j], x[j]) return result # Bitwise matrix scaling (using shifts if c is a power of 2). def bitwise_scale_matrix(A, c): # Check if c is a power of 2. if c != 0 and (c & (c - 1)) == 0: shift = c.bit_length() - 1 return [[entry << shift for entry in row] for row in A] else: return [[bitwise_multiply(entry, c) for entry in row] for row in A] # Bitwise Jacobian: For scale-invariant functions, returns A unchanged. def bitwise_jacobian(A, x): return A # Bitwise Hessian singularity check: For 1-homogeneous functions, returns a zero vector. def bitwise_hessian_is_singular(A, x): return [0] * len(x) # Bitwise pseudo-quadratic energy calculation. def bitwise_pseudo_quadratic_energy(A, x): n = len(x) sum_energy = 0 for i in range(n): for j in range(n): sum_energy += bitwise_multiply(x[i], A[i][j]) * x[j] return sum_energy >> 1 # Right shift by 1 is equivalent to integer division by 2. # Example data. A = [[1, 2], [3, 4]] # Example matrix. x = [5, 6] # Example vector. c = 2 # Scale factor. # Build tensor-like structure (as a nested dictionary). tensor_structure = { "Function Calls": { "Bitwise Matrix-Vector Multiplication": bitwise_matrix_vector_mult(A, x), "Bitwise Matrix Scaling": bitwise_scale_matrix(A, c), "Bitwise Jacobian": bitwise_jacobian(A, x), "Bitwise Hessian Singularity": bitwise_hessian_is_singular(A, x), "Pseudo-Quadratic Energy": bitwise_pseudo_quadratic_energy(A, x) }, "Matrix Inputs": A, "Vector Inputs": x, "Tracked Optimizations": { "Bitwise Multiplications Count": sum(1 for row in A for entry in row if entry != 0), "Bitwise Shifts Count": sum(1 for row in A for entry in row if entry != 0 and (entry & (entry - 1)) == 0) } } # Function to nicely print the tensor structure. def print_tensor_structure(tensor, indent=0): spacing = " " * indent if isinstance(tensor, dict): for key, value in tensor.items(): print(f"{spacing}{key}:") print_tensor_structure(value, indent + 1) elif isinstance(tensor, list): print(f"{spacing}{tensor}") else: print(f"{spacing}{tensor}") # Print out the complete tensor structure. print("Bitwise Computation Tensor Structure:") print_tensor_structure(tensor_structure)