Javascript Function apply()

The apply() method calls a function with the passed this keyword value and arguments provided in the form of an array.


// object definition
const personName = {
  firstName: "Taylor",
  lastName: "Jackson",

// function definition
function greet(wish, message) {
  return `${this.firstName}, ${wish}. ${message}`;

// calling greet() function by passing two arguments let result = greet.apply(personName, ["Good morning", "How are you?"]);
console.log(result); // Output: // Taylor, Good morning. How are you?

apply() Syntax

The syntax of the apply() method is:

func.apply(thisArg, argsArray)

Here, func is a function.

apply() Parameters

The apply() method can take two parameters:

  • thisArg - The value of this which is provided while calling func.
  • argsArray (optional) - An array containing the arguments to the function.

apply() Return Value

  • Returns the result of the called function with the specified this value and arguments.

Example 1: apply() Method to call a Function

// object definition
const personName = {
  firstName: "Taylor",
  lastName: "Jackson",

// function definition
function greet(wish, message) {
  return `${this.firstName}, ${wish}. ${message}`;

// calling greet() function by passing two arguments let result = greet.apply(personName, ["Good morning", "How are you?"]);


Taylor, Good morning. How are you?

In the above program, we have used the apply() method to invoke the greet() function.

Inside the apply() method, the parameter:

  • personName - is this value
  • ["Good morning", "How are you?"] - are values for "wish" and "message" parameters of the greet() function

The method calls the greet() function so the result variable holds the return value of greet().

Apart from calling a function, we can use the apply() method for:

  • Function borrowing
  • Append an array

Example 2: apply() for Function Borrowing

// object definition
const car = {
  name: "BMW",
  description() {
    return `The ${} is of ${this.color} color.`;

// object definition
const bike = {
  name: "Duke",
  color: "black",

// bike is borrowing description() method from car using apply() let result = car.description.apply(bike);


The Duke is of black color.

In the above program, we have borrowed the method of car object in the bike object with the help of the apply() method.

Example 3: apply() to Append two Arrays

let color1 = ["Red", "Green", "Blue"];
let color2 = ["Yellow", "Black"];

// appending two arrays color1 and color2 color1.push.apply(color1, color2);


[ 'Red', 'Green', 'Blue', 'Yellow', 'Black' ]

Example 4 : Using apply() with built-in functions

const numbers = [5, 1, 4, 3, 4, 6, 8];

// using apply() with Math object let max = Math.max.apply(null, numbers);
// without using apply() with Math object let max1 = Math.max(5, 1, 4, 3, 4, 6, 8)
; console.log(max1);



Recommended Reading: JavaScript Function call()

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