JavaScript Program to Replace all Instances of a Character in a String

To understand this example, you should have the knowledge of the following JavaScript programming topics:

Example 1: Replace All Instances Of a Character Using Regex

// program to replace all instances of a character in a string

const string = 'Learning JavaScript Program';

const result = string.replace(/a/g, "A");



LeArning JAvAScript ProgrAm

In the above example, the RegEx is used with the replace() method to replace all the instances of a character in a string.

/g represents that the operation is carried out for all in instances of the string.

Example 2: Replace All Instances Of Character Using Built-in Methods

// program to replace all instances of character in a string

const string = 'Learning JavaScript Program';

const splitString = string.split('a');

const result = splitString.join('A');



LeArning JAvAScript ProgrAm

In the above example, the built-in methods are used to replace all the occurrences of a character in a string.

The split('a') method splits the string into an array.

["Le", "rning J", "v", "Script Progr", "m"]

The join('A') method joins all the array elements into a string by adding A between each array element.

LeArning JAvAScript ProgrAm

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